November 26, 2021 Report: Catapult Industry Won’t Survive Another Year Without Medieval War Breaking Out “Times have not been kind to catapult manufacturers, as trebuchets sit unused in warehouses collecting dust, with most companies lucky to move one or two units every 500 years or so.”
November 23, 2021 Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, who described the ‘flow’ of human creativity, dies at 87 “I was astonished to find that all those different people… used very similar terms to describe their activities… in terms of focusing of attention, the disappearance of self, the disappearance of the sense of time, the clarity of goals, the clarity of feedback.”
November 16, 2021 What’s in a Name? A Brainstorming Session at Facebook HQ “Klodet: I’d like to say five names. They literally just popped into my head while listening to Claudia. I feel that this is a safe space and there are no judgments. O.K., so: Scrumptious, Jimbo, DonkeyEngine—”