June 11, 2021 The Ikea effect: accepting change by creating it – Change Designers “…if you involve people in shaping the future, rather than imposing changes or “selling” it to them, they will value the changes more and take more ownership. “
June 8, 2021 How often do people actually copy and paste from Stack Overflow? Now we know. – Stack Overflow Blog “One out of every four users who visits a Stack Overflow question copies something within five minutes of hitting the page…. We call this knowledge reuse – you’re reusing what others have already learned, created, and proven.”
June 4, 2021 Ian’s Shoelace Site – Granny Knot Info “The Granny Knot is the most common reason that shoelaces loosen or come undone; It can be spotted by the tendency of the bow to sit crooked (ie. heel to toe)…”