April 11, 2023 This is what it looks like to be colorblind “Because red and green are complementary colors opposite one another on the color wheel, they’ve become the default colors for every designer who wants to represent opposites: true and false, high and low, stop and go. Inconveniently, these are also the two colors most likely to be mixed up by people with color vision deficiencies.”
April 7, 2023 0xDesigner on Twitter “In 2017, a group of developers hilariously competed for who could create worst volume control interface in the world.”
April 4, 2023 “Click-to-cancel” rule would penalize companies that make you cancel by phone “…the proposal also “would address new business tactics, like digital dark patterns—where firms deploy hard-to-see buttons, hidden pop-ups, or misleading links to manipulate consumers away from canceling their subscription.”